Water Testing

At STP Plumbing, our commitment to health and wellness extends beyond professional interest; it’s a fundamental priority for our team members in your homes as well as their own. While some may not immediately perceive the link between plumbing and wellness, we recognize its significance. For us, the ability to improve your home’s water quality, safeguarding you and your family from the harmful effects of water treatment chemicals, is not just a matter of expertise, but a source of genuine pride in the service we provide.

Did you know?

What We Test For

How does YOUR city or town’s water test?

The EWG (Environmental Working Group) performs quality checks on tap water tests done by local water utility departments. They test for levels of arsenic, chloroform, chromium, dichloroacetic acid, haloacetic acids, nitrate, radium, trichloroacetic acid, and more, all of which pose a risk for cancer and other health conditions.

Bellingham, Massachusetts

37 total contaminants, 14 exceed EWG standards

Franklin, Massachusetts

26 total contaminants, 12 exceed EWG standards

Hopkinton, Massachusetts

17 total contaminants, 11 exceed EWG standard

Medway, Massachusetts

30 total contaminants, 13 exceed EWG standards

Wrentham, Massachusetts

18 total contaminants, 9 exceed EWG standards

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